
Module Contents


SimpleTokenize Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
CombineTransform Base Class for Transform that combine multiple original samples into a new sample.
LMTransform Transform any dataset has tokenized text into dataset (autotgressive) language model.
ELECTRADataTransform Process any text corpus for ELECTRA’s use


my_map(self: datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset, *args, **kwargs) The same as datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset , but it can add cache directory and .arrow to cache_file_name autmomatically for us.
my_map(self: datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset, *args, **kwargs) The same as datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset , but it can add cache directory and .arrow to cache_file_name autmomatically for us.
hugdatafast.transform.my_map(self: datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset, *args, **kwargs)

The same as datasets.arrow_dataset.Dataset , but it can add cache directory and .arrow to cache_file_name autmomatically for us.


>>>, cache_file_name='processed')
# cache file path become "<dataset cache directory>/processed.arrow"
hugdatafast.transform.my_map(self: datasets.dataset_dict.DatasetDict, *args, **kwargs)

The same as datasets.dataset_dict.DatasetDict , but it can infer cache names for us.


>>>, cache_file_names='processed_{split}')
# cache file paths : "<dataset cache directory>/processed_train.arrow", "<dataset cache directory>/processed_validation.arrow", "<dataset cache directory>/processed_test.arrow"
class hugdatafast.transform.SimpleTokenize(cols, hf_toker)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class hugdatafast.transform.CombineTransform(hf_dset, in_cols, out_cols, drop_last=False)

Base Class for Transform that combine multiple original samples into a new sample.

  • hf_dset (Dataset or DatasetDict) – The Hugging Face dataset(s) to do the transformation
  • in_cols (List[str]) – names of input columns that used to produce samples
  • out_cols (List[str]) – names of output columns to put combined samples.
  • (Optional[bool], default (drop_last`) – False): whether to drop the last accumulated sample.

Child Class should implement this method.

Reset all containers, flags to their initial values.

accumulate(self, *args)

Child Class should implement this method.

Given a example, do self.commit_example(self.create_example()) when a new combined sample is ready. :param args: values of inp_cols ( passed to __init__() ) of an example


Child Class should implement this method.

Use internal states stored in the child class instance to create a combined example (dict).

When nothing can’t be created, return None or raise any exception to show it.

map(self, batch_size=1000, cache_file_name=None, **kwargs)
  • batch_size (int) – See, shouldn’t be None here
  • cache_file_name – The same with the one of my_map()
  • kwargs – passed to
class hugdatafast.transform.LMTransform(tokenized_hf_dset, max_len, text_col, x_text_col='x_text', y_text_col='y_text', **kwargs)

Transform any dataset has tokenized text into dataset (autotgressive) language model. !! Caution: This span context window across examples. So make sure your texts in examples of the datasets are consecutive or relative. Or you are knowing what you are doing.

  • tokenized_hf_dset (Dataset or DatasetDict) – tokenized Hugging Face dataset(s) to do LM transform
  • max_len (int) – the length of a sentence
  • text_col (str) – the name of column that contains tokenized text (ids) of tokenized_hf_dset
  • x_text_col (str) – the name of the output column
  • y_text_col (str) – the name fo the output column
  • kwargs – passed to :class:CombineTransform


>>> lm_dataset = LMTransform(tokenized_cola['validation'], max_len=20, text_col='text_idxs').map()
>>> lm_dataset[0]
{'x_text': [ 1996, 11279,  8469,  1996,  9478,  3154,  1997,  1996,  5749,  1012,
    1996, 15871,  2081,  1996,  8164,  7683,  2058,  1996,  4139,  3240],
 'y_text': [11279,  8469,  1996,  9478,  3154,  1997,  1996,  5749,  1012,  1996,
   15871,  2081,  1996,  8164,  7683,  2058,  1996,  4139,  3240,  1012]}

Child Class should implement this method.

Reset all containers, flags to their initial values.


Child Class should implement this method.

Use internal states stored in the child class instance to create a combined example (dict).

When nothing can’t be created, return None or raise any exception to show it.

accumulate(self, text)

Child Class should implement this method.

Given a example, do self.commit_example(self.create_example()) when a new combined sample is ready. :param args: values of inp_cols ( passed to __init__() ) of an example

class hugdatafast.transform.ELECTRADataTransform(hf_dset, is_docs, text_col, max_length, hf_toker, delimiter='n', **kwargs)

Process any text corpus for ELECTRA’s use

  • hf_dset (Dataset or DatasetDict) – untokenized Hugging Face dataset(s) to do the transform
  • is_docs (bool) – Whether each sample of this dataset is a doc
  • text_col (str) – the name of column of the dataset contains text
  • max_length (str) – max length of each sentence
  • hf_toker (transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer) – Hugging Face tokenizer
  • delimiter (str) – what is the delimiter to segment sentences in the input text
  • kwargs – passed to CombineTransform

Child Class should implement this method.

Reset all containers, flags to their initial values.

accumulate(self, text)

Child Class should implement this method.

Given a example, do self.commit_example(self.create_example()) when a new combined sample is ready. :param args: values of inp_cols ( passed to __init__() ) of an example


Child Class should implement this method.

Use internal states stored in the child class instance to create a combined example (dict).

When nothing can’t be created, return None or raise any exception to show it.

add_line(self, tokids)

Adds a line of text to the current example being built.